Tuesday is Gratitude Day!

From now on, tuesdays will be Gratitude Day for Dogs!

We never really think about what makes our life pawsome so, i thought i would be a great idea to take the time to thank someone or something at least once a week.

We, as humans do, always take everything for granted.  Our treats, our naps, our walkies, our cuddles, our toys!

So let's be grateful!

I am grateful for my pawrents for giving me such a wonderful life and for loving me so much!

What are you grateful for?


  1. I'm grateful my dad is kind of a fitness so he helped me lose weight and get regular exercise. I feel SOOOO much better. ~ Slimdoggy Jack.

    1. You are lucky! Wish my dad was more active... He must care about you and love you a lot!!

  2. Dear lulu. You know, i am active, but the truth is that you are not active!!! You prefer the confort of the house when i ask you to come play outdoors...

    Love you anyway!

    1. DADDY!!!! I love to go outside but it's you and mum (ok, mum) that don't want to! hihihi!!!
      I love you too Daddy!

  3. Lulu really you won't play outdoors with your Dad? I am grateful for Mom taking me for long walks in freezing cold! Love Dolly

    1. Hi Dolly!!
      No, i like to go outside and dad does too but where we live is not easy for walks. And mum is lazy... but i do play outside anyway!
      wow, your mum is brave to walk in freezing cold!
