The March Issue of my magazine Lulu on the Road is finally out!
Browse the magazine right here and tell me what you think of it! Your comments are very important as they will help me do better next time! Enjoy!
Remember, you can enlarge the magazine by clicking on the little square with arrows at the bottom right of the screen.
A word from the Editor
That would be me!
Over the past weeks, some of you asked a lot of questions regarding my life as an editor for the magazine Lulu on the Road. Time to answer some of your questions!
I came up with this idea of publishing a magazine because i thought that it would be a great medium to share my travel experiences when on the road. I also thought that a magazine would be easier to read and that it would give me the opportunity to publish short stories on other dogs, friends i would meet while traveling.
After a brainstorming session with mum and dad, i decided to launch it sooner than planned. I met so many interesting friends on social medias and heard so many wonderful stories that i couldn't help but start the magazine at the beginning of this year.
The third issue of Lulu on the Road will be out tomorrow. What an experience it has been so far!
But i must say that it's a lot of work. Besides my blog, which takes about 2 hours of my time each week, publishing a monthly magazine requires about 20 hours of work each month. Doesn't sound that much? Well, i have to build my schedule around mum's and it ain't that easy!
First, i have to search for interesting stories. Then i have to write them or contact other dogs and ask them if they would write a story for the mag. After that, i have to pick the photos that will be in the mag, choose one for the cover, decide which breed will be feature in Breed of the Month on the back cover.
This is only half of the work done, because now, i have to put everything in order! Laying out a magazine can be very frustrating! This story before or after this one? This photo should be edited or not? Did my typist make any error in the pages?
And i'm not talking about the editorial meetings i held with mum, which can last till late at night! We also ask dad's opinion before publishing the final product to see if we missed something or if we should change anything.
So yes, it is a lot of work but it's so much fun!
A lot of doggie friends already helped me by being featured in the first issues and i'll always be grateful for that! This magazine wouldn't be the same without you guys!
Do i have other projects besides this blog and my magazine? Of course i do! You know me, always working on something! So stay tuned because in the upcoming weeks, i will launch my first book!
So excited!
English posts
Tuesday is Gratitude Day!
From now on, tuesdays will be Gratitude Day for Dogs!
We never really think about what makes our life pawsome so, i thought i would be a great idea to take the time to thank someone or something at least once a week.
We, as humans do, always take everything for granted. Our treats, our naps, our walkies, our cuddles, our toys!
So let's be grateful!
I am grateful for my pawrents for giving me such a wonderful life and for loving me so much!
What are you grateful for?
Black and white Sunday
One of my favorite pic, in Cape Cod last summer.
I really look like a professionnal model, don't you think?
Have a great sunday!
English posts
Winner of the Most Beautiful Dog on Twitter!
The results are in! I am ready to announce who is the winner for Most Beautiful Dog on Twitter!
First, i would like to thank all the participants. You are all beautiful! Your humans can be proud of you!
Ok, remember that the winner will receive 2 bags of treats from Oven Baked Tradition and will be on the cover of march issue of my magazine, Lulu on the Road!
Drum rolls please!
First, i would like to thank all the participants. You are all beautiful! Your humans can be proud of you!
Ok, remember that the winner will receive 2 bags of treats from Oven Baked Tradition and will be on the cover of march issue of my magazine, Lulu on the Road!
Drum rolls please!
Third place is Amadeus Ivan from Netherlands!
![]() |
@Amadeusivan |
Second place is Boots, from UK!
@OldEnglishBoots |
The Winner of Most Beautiful Dog on Twitter is...
Abby, from USA!!!
![]() |
@AbbyDawgBlog |
Congratulations Abby!!!
This contest was really fun, thanks to all of you anipals and humans who voted for your favorite and congratulations to Abby!
English posts
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends!!
Love and friendship are the most important things in the world.
Thank you for being so kind to me, to follow me in my little crazy world, to share your life with me.
Thank you for making me laugh.
Thank you for being here.
You are the best!
Lulu xxx
English posts
Rescue... or not?
You know me. I'm all in for rescuing dogs and help them find a forever home. I can't stand seeing dogs in shelters, having nobody to love them and cuddle with them and show them that life can be wonderful with a good human by your side.
I'm such an advocate for the cause that i insisted when it came to Bree's adoption.
Which raised an interesting question. Are we being fooled when adopting a doggie? Do previous owners or shelters workers tell us the truth about the dog or are they so eager to find a home that they omit to tell important facts about that particular dog?
Don't throw rocks at me yet. Bree is our first adopted anipal and we may have been the unfortunate ones. We did not adopt via a shelter but via owners. And they might have "forgotten" to tell us that Bree was a biter, in order to get rid of her as soon as possible AND without having to deal with the dreadful decision, put her down or not... Better leave that decision to someone else, right?
Bree is my humans' 10th or 11th dog. They are very good at training and never had any problems with their dogs, big or small. But Bree is in a class of her own...
She is beautiful, no doubt about it. She already shares a bond with mum and listens to her most of the time. She is playful, funny, potty trained, she sleeps in her crate. 80% of the time, she is a great dog. The only problem is that she bites. A lot.
Of course, the owners didn't tell us about it. Just said that she "tried" once or twice to bite the human baby... We suspect that she did, and more often than once or twice... Her behavior shows that she cannot deal with discipline, with dominant dog or human, except mum. It's not a breed characteristic, it's a behavior problem.
The point is, when you adopt, are you being told the truth?
I know, there are no bad dogs, just bad humans, i'm the first one to say it loud and clear. I believe that you can rehabilitate almost any doggie with love and patience. But if we were told the truth about those dogs we want to rescue, maybe it would be a lot easier on them and on the new owners.
We won't get rid of Bree. Not yet. We will try our best to show her that biting is not an option and that she needs to behave in order to have fun and live a wonderful life with us. She is a lucky girl and we hope that she'll understand that we kind of saved her life. But what if she bites someone while on the road? What if the relation between us two gets worst? What if i hurt her, or worse...? What if we can't help her?
I always loved meeting new friends and i never had any problem interacting with other dogs but what if i change my mind and see other dogs as threats because of Bree?
Rescuing is a big decision. It changes the family dynamics and we have to be prepared for that. I know that finding new homes for these anipals is very important but please, please, tell us the truth! Like it or not, some dogs cannot be rescued... Sad but true.
What's your opinion? I would really like to know. Did you have a bad experience rescuing a dog or know someone who did? Do you feel you had all the informations needed? Do you agree that all dogs can't be saved or do you believe that we can save them all, no matter what? And what would you do if your rescued was not the dog you thought it was?
Rescuing, besides being a gesture of love, is also a moral question. We may be facing a behavior that will shake our values and beliefs. Are you prepared for that?
English posts
Humans need to be trained too!
It bothers me a lot when i meet humans that have no idea what so ever on how to deal with dogs, especially dog owners!
I remember when I was in Maine, we went to visit a park and the Ranger there, a dog owner, saw me and started to talk to me like if I was a baby human. First, i'm not a baby, second, certainly not a human! The tone of his voice was annoying to my sensible ears.
Then, without warning, he bended his knees and looked me IN THE EYES!!
Let's all be very clear on that. Humans, i'm telling you, never, NEVER, look a dog in the eyes if you don't know him very well. Meaning, if you're not his owner, don't do that. Or you'll be asking for trouble.
As you all know by now, i'm well trained and i behave like a sweet puppy on the road. I let people pet me and i greet them with a lick or two. I respond to voice commands and to gestual ones.
The only thing i don't appreciate is when people look me in the eyes. When you do that, you dare me, you provoke me, you are testing me. And i take it personnal. And my doggie friends will take it personnal too, may them be rotties, doxies, poodles or mix breeds.
This Ranger was in for a surprise... I did not bite him - i'm not that stupid! - but i did warn him that his behavior wasn't ok.
Humans always tell us how to behave with humans but who ever told them how to behave with us? Humans need to be trained too in order to avoid dramatic situation. Adults AND children. When on walkies, i often see young humans running around unfamiliar dogs and their parents letting them pet the dog without even asking for permission. And by that, i mean asking our human and us permission! What if i don't feel right? What if i'm tired, hungry? What if i'm in pain? What if i just don't want to be pet?
Please humans, remember this:
- always walk your dog with a leash
- train your dog to walk by your side, not 10 feet in front of you
- always ask before petting a dog
- don't look a dog in the eyes
- don't let your child play with an unfamiliar dog
- always remember that, even if we are cute and small, we are animals
There is one thing my dad always says to people when we meet for the first time. First, i'm an animal, then i'm a dog, then i'm a rottie, then i'm Lulu...
English posts
The search for the most beautiful dog is on!
Hi anipals! I'm looking for the most beautiful dog on Twitter! Are you the one?
Here's the deal.
If you have a Twitter account, you can participate in this great contest.
1. Enter the contest by leaving me a comment here on my blog, with your Twitter name
2. Send me a pic of you by email at
3. The pic has to be high resolution, color or B&W, in the most beautiful setting you can find. Can be indoor or outdoor. Keep in mind that the winner will be on the cover of march issue of Lulu on the road so it has to be perfect!
4. The pics will be posted here on the blog for readers to vote for their favorite.
5. To vote, just leave a comment here.
6. The doggie with the most votes will win!
What do you win?
- a chance to be on the cover of Lulu on the road - march issue
- 2 bags of doggie treats from my sponsor, Oven Baked Tradition
You have until february the 10th to send your pic. Winner will be announce on february the 15th!
So, think you have what it takes to be a cover dog?
Best of luck!
And may the most beautiful doggie wins!!
English posts
The February issue of my magazine is out!
Happy Sunday everybody!
Here is the February 2013 issue of my magazine Lulu on the Road ! A Valentine Special for you anipals and dog lovers! I really hope you'll enjoy it!
This issue is better and bigger than the first one and, believe it or not, i am already working on the march issue... I learned that in the publishing world, you have to be at least 2 months ahead so i'm woking very hard to keep up the good work!
The March 2013 issue will feature stories that will certainly please you. Spring is in the air here at the office!
But first, take a look at this Valentine Special
And please, tell me what you think of it!!
Here is the February 2013 issue of my magazine Lulu on the Road ! A Valentine Special for you anipals and dog lovers! I really hope you'll enjoy it!
This issue is better and bigger than the first one and, believe it or not, i am already working on the march issue... I learned that in the publishing world, you have to be at least 2 months ahead so i'm woking very hard to keep up the good work!
The March 2013 issue will feature stories that will certainly please you. Spring is in the air here at the office!
But first, take a look at this Valentine Special
And please, tell me what you think of it!!
English posts
My new sisfur!!
My pawrents adopted a Doxie 2 days ago! Isn't it amazing?!
Her name is Brioche - Bree - and she's 2 1/2 years old. She's a black and tan little thing that was in a really bad situation. Here is her story.
Bree was living in a loving family of two humans. They loved her very much and let her do whatever she wanted because she was so sweet and funny. She was the Queen of the house! Everything went smooth until they adopted another doggie. This other doggie was rescued from bad owner who beat him. Bree took the dog under her wing and showed him everything but still, she was in charge!
Then, about a year later, her pawrents had a human baby...
You can imagine that Bree wasn't very happy about this new arrival in the house. She barked a lot, asked for all the attention and finally, tried to bite the little human. Her pawrents were really devastated because they loved her very much but the baby was the new priority in their life. Bree became nervous, stressed out, out of control. She had no more limits, no boundaries.
She is a Doxie and this breed needs lot of attention and good training or they become little terrors and that's what happened.
Bree started acting weird, peeing in the house, even pooped in the house!! Nobody could approach her, except her mum. She weighs about 8 pounds and everybody was scared of her!
Her pawrents couldn't handle her anymore so there was no choice. Either put her up for adoption or euthanasia...
My mum heard about Bree the day she was put up for adoption. Talk about faith!! At first, dad didn't want to hear anything about having another dog, and certainly not a problem one!! But mum and I finally convinced him that we couldn't let anything happend to Bree. So we called the owners and 2 days later, we went to pick her up...
Oh my dog! Bree tried to bite mum, barked like crazy and pooped on the carpet right in front of dad!! Lucky for me, mum looked at dad and said "she just needs discipline, that's all"... Dad was very reluctant at first, thought that she would become our problem and that we couldn't do anything with her. That was before i met her...
The meeting went ok. She tried to bite me but soon realized that I was the boss here! I taught her a thing or two about sharing treats and meals - NO WAY! - and where she was allowed to sleep - not on MY couch! I also told her that peeing and pooing is a thing we do outside. Other than that, everything is going great.
Bree looks like me! A mini Lulu!! |
The funny thing is that mum bought her a tiny chocker and a leash, and is being strict with her when it comes to house rules. And Bree listens all the time, looking at mum like if she was the most wonderful human on earth! She follows her like glue!
She is still a little bit intimidated by dad and me, but i'm sure we'll become a great family. Of course i watch her every move... i was told not to trust Doxies! They can be fierce and they are very intelligent!
Am i jealous? Maybe a little bit. Which i think is very natural. But my humans are good with dogs and they know that i'll always be number one in their hearts. They treat me the way they always did. I'm the first being fed. I still receive lots of cuddles. My toys are mine and only mine. We each have our own cushion. I still sleep with them in the bed, but Bree isn't allowed. For now.
We need to adapt to each other. We've been together less than 24 hours!
But i kind of love her... She's cute, small - very small!! - and she always makes funny faces! I think i'm even starting to fell a little protective of her, especially when we go outside. So i guess this is a good sign that we'll get along.
I must say that i'm very proud of my pawrents. They saved her life! And that is the most important thing because Bree only needs a bit of discipline, lots of love and a stable home to become a great dog, just like me!
Welcome home Bree! Just don't steal my food and everything will be perfect!!
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